Something I don't have enough of these days...
It's been a while since my last post. It's not that I don't want to post--just been preoccupied with other things...good things, I might add. By the time 7:00 in the evening rolls around--I just want to go to bed! Haha!
So, this will probably end up being pretty long--consider yourself forewarned! :)
Let's see. Monday afternoon, I attempted to shoot this little guys' 6 month pictures. FIRST time shooting a baby (besides my daughter, of course). can't control babies! LOL It was definitely a challenge and there were some other little things I could have planned better, but all in all, I got some decent shots that I'm happy with (and hope his momma is too).
Meet Hayden Lake, aka "Puddles"
The funny thing about this shoot was---it was out in the country. I kind of live in the country (still trying to get used to it)--but wow, this was REAL country!!! FYI--I'm not much of an outdoorsy type of gal either. :) I'm talkin' 4 mile gravel road just to reach the entrance gate and the whole shebang! It was located on family property--approximately 15 acres I believe. At one point, I was knee deep in wild prairie grass. His mom says, "Watch out for snakes--BUT---don't worry--you'll be okay." What?!!? Ummm, yah....I also came home that evening and literally had to have Jeff check me for ticks. LOL
I'm still processing and working on the photos--but the best ones I got were of him and his momma. She did NOT plan on being in them...but I insisted. I love the casual "in the moment" feel of them.
Tuesday evening was Brianna's first Open House. I'm so glad that Jeff was here and able to go. I failed to get pictures! Phooey! :( She drug us around showing off her classroom and all the little activities she does on a daily basis. Too fun! I can still remember my open houses as a kid--it's a big deal! :)
Last night, we had the whole family out for dinner. So, yah, I was in the kitchen cookin' and bakin' for a couple of hours yesterday. It was kind of a "Going Away" dinner for Jeff. Ya know, before your man deploys, you always try to make some of their favorite dishes and desserts because you know they're going to be eating some nasty a** food for a year that doesn't stick with them. :(
As I'm typing this...I can see, from my window, Jeff outside on a ladder. I better go out there and hold it before he breaks his neck!!
Be back real soon! ::wink::

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